Rare Collection of Buddhist Caves - Kizil Caves
Kizil Caves is also known as Kizil Cave of a thousand
Buddhas and Kizil thousand Buddha Caves. These caves are really a collection of
Buddhist caves that are rock cut. It is situated close to Kizil Township which
is in Baicheng County of Xinjiang in land of China. These are believed to be
the most primitive main Buddhist caves in whole China. It was created during
the period from the third to eight century. Kizil Caves collection is biggest
among old Buddhist cave spots which are linked with old Tocharian kingdom of
Kucha. It is even the biggest in Xinjiang. There are various other cave spots
in Kucha such as Simsim Caves and Kumtura Caves.
Two hundred and thirty six cave temples!
There are two hundred and thirty six cave temples here
which are carved into a cliff that stretches towards east from west for a total
length of two kilometers. Among these 236 temples, one hundred and thirty five
temples are yet comparatively intact. The most ancient caves are dated on the
basis of radioactive carbon dating experiments to almost year 300. Lot of
researchers think that Kizil caves were abandoned possibly in the start of
eight century after the area was affected by Tang influence. There are lot of
documents here that are written in the Tocharian language. Certain caves have
Tocharian inscriptions that provide the names of some rulers.
Unique pillar design:
The majority of the caves possess a main pillar design
in centre, whereby the pilgrims can do circumambulation about a middle feature that
is perfect depiction of stupa. A huge arched chamber is situated in front
portion of the column. Similarly, there is a smaller rear chamber situated behind
the column along with 2 tunnel-like corridors on its sides. These corridors
connect these spaces. The main concentration point in the interior is the three
dimensional Buddha image which is specially place in a huge niche in front
chamber. However, no sculptures of those times have survived here now. In the rear
chamber, there is a parinirvana scene which is in a form of huge sculpture or
mural. In certain case, there is combination of mural and large sculpture.
Among Kizil caves, there are other kinds of caves too.
The main three are viharas or monastic cells, caves with huge image, and square
caves. Nearly two-thirds among the caves are monastic cells also known as
viharas that are store houses or living quarters of monks. All these caves never
have mural paintings in them. In 1906, Kizil Caves was explored by a expedition
team from Germany. This team was interested mainly in copying murals. Few were
removed from there. Those fragments are currently at Museum of Asian Art
located in Berlin. Few fragments are found in museums of US, Japan, Russia and
Korea. The murals in Kizil Caves have extensive use of blue pigments that
contains very precious ultramarine pigment made from lapis lazuli.
Travel tips
The fee of admission is just fifty five Yuan. The
Kizil Caves are regarded as an art crystallization of regional Chinese
tradition. Visit Kizil Caves at the earliest to know more!
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