Encounter the Cloud Steaming Fog around Jiugongshan Nature Scenic Spot

8:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Jiugongshan nature scenic spot is located in the Tongshan county of Hubei Province. The altitude is 1,657 meters, which is the peak mountain of Mufushan, and it covers an area of 210 square kilometers, it is the state-level scenic spots and the National Nature Reserve; with state-level key heritage conservation unit–King Chuang’s tomb (Tomb of Li Zicheng). 
Jiugongshan is of the delicate as southern mountains, but also has the features of northern ridge mountains: grand, dangerous, extraordinary, quiet and elegant, it is also famous as the "nine Tianxian mountains", which is divided into five major resorts: Cloud Lake Resort, Deep Forest Resort , Wuchutian Resort, Dragon Pool Resort and the foot of mountain Resort.

King Chuang’s tomb: Located on the moon mountain of Jiugongshan, which is the Gaohu village of Tongshan country, the tomb covers an area of 200 acres, only 3 kilometers away from the protected areas, and the main building are Gatehouse, Tomb and the Pavilion.
Zhenjun Stone Temple: Located at the top of Phoenix Hill in the Cloud Lake, face to Xianglu Mountain, it has existed for more than 780 years, and also the o­nly preserved ancient architecture of Jiugong, it had been named by six emperor, the body of famous Tao Zhang Daoqing was preserved here for 680 years but not rot, but was destroyed in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.
Stone Dragon Ditch: which located in north of Jiugongshan with 7 kilometers long, is one of the major scenic spot of Jiugongshan Scenic Spots, it’s composed by more than 10,000 stone steps. It is also a primeval forest zone, divided to top and bottom parts, and was well-known as "The treasure of Jiugongshan".

Every half an hour per bus from Wuchang Hongji station of Wuhan to Tongshan country, the fee is about RMB 30; two shifts from Xinhua Hankou Road long-distance bus station to Tongshan country everyday (07:30 and 12:30), about 3-4 hours from Wuhan to Jiugongshan; every half an hour per shuttle bus from Tongshan country to Jiugongshan, more than o­ne hour journey, the fee is about RMB 25.

Jiugongshan Nature Scenic Spot Fee and opening hours
The ticket for entrance gate: 50 Yuan (75 Yuan in midseason), Stone Dragon Ditch: 20 Yuan, Tonggu bao: 10 Yuan, the ancient Temple of Yunguan: 20 Yuan, Zhenjun Stone Temple: 5 Yuan, Forest Park: 20 Yuan

1. Most of the rest areas of southern express ways without gas stations but only restaurants, there may be out of service for some small gas stations.
2. No more than 1 hour for continuous driving, the speed should 20-30km/h slower than normal, which is relatively safe, and convenient for family scenery views.
3. Take the meals in those small or old and famous shops with local characteristics; enjoy the original local flavor there. Go to the local farmer's market, where you can buy not only affordable things, but also can impress you the local customs and the public profile.
4. No need to bring a lot of clothes, but must be complete and with different features –which can adapt to the season and convenient for photograph shooting.
5. Road choices: Go through by the national roads, the construction status of the national roads are pretty good now, and you may encounter some villages and towns with unique characteristics, and can know more local and special customs which we seldom feel, and there are various special goods o­n the roadside. 

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The Yulin Caves is the Most Beautiful Grottoes in China

6:46 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Yulin Caves is a Buddhist cave temple site in Anxi County, Gansu Province, China. The site is located 170 kilometers away from Dunhuang, and belongs to the jurisdiction of the Dunhuang Academy. From Dunhuang City, traveling two hours along the Qilian Mountains, in a desert cliff, looked down a canyon and there are some caves sporadically scattered runs through the canyon cliffs, which is the Yulin Caves.

Although there is no record to be ascertained the created years of Yulin Caves, from the cave in the form and the inscription, it was created in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. There are existing 43 complete murals caves, of which 32 caves in the east cliff, and 11 caves in the west cliff. 

I know the Yulin Caves because of the praise from Chang Dai-chien, who is one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. In fact, the Yulin Caves has been a part of the Mogao Grottoes - Yulin Cave Grottoes group in Dunhuang, whose murals and painted sculptures, especially the ones of Xia Dynasty have high artistic value, even exceeded the Mogao Grottoes. 

The Cave 3 and Cave 25 left me with deepest impression, because there is no glass partition. We stayed at the Cave 25 for a much longer time, and this cave is known as the most prominent during AD 781- 848, as well as the cave with the most inspiring and wonderful masterpiece murals of Dunhuang.

October 1941, Chang Dai-chien twice entered the Yulin Caves and copyed the murals of the Cave 25 and Cave 16.

The Cave 25is located in the middle of the east cliff, the main room flat-square, the front room is rectangular, and the corridor between the front room to the main chamber is long and wide. There is a square altar in the center of the main chamber, and the top is bucket-shaped. 

The east wall is the main wall, and the most famous Eight Great Bodhisattvas are here, of which the center is the Lushena Buddha.

Eight Great Bodhisattvas Mandala, Yulin Cave 25 east wall

Southern king statue, Yulin Cave 25 east wall, south side 

The left of the north wall is the Maitreya Sutra, and the main body of the screen is the Maitreya three meetings. The first commission is the center of the whole screen. 

The right side of the screen is the second meeting. 

The left side of the screen is the third meeting.

Marry diagram at the corner of the north wall of the three meetings

The time of the 2010 World Expo, the Urban Footprint Hall copied this cave as overture. 

There are several other caves impressed me.

Cave 3 - the masterpiece of Xia Dynasty 

Mongolia dependents of the Yuan Dynasty in Cave 3 

Cave 6, a 23-meter high Buddha, glowing golden face

Mr. Chang Dai-chine’s works in cave16 in the Sichuan Museum

Cave 29 is a representative of the Western Xia Cave, especially the dependent portrait.


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Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival 2013 is Coming!

2:39 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The 29th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival will begin from January 5, 2013 and will last for over one month. 

Established in 1985 and held annually from January 5, the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival is one of the world's four largest ice and snow festivals, along with Japan's Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada's Quebec City Winter Carnival, and Norway's Ski Festival, and last for one month. It is China's original and greatest ice artwork festival, attracting hundreds of thousands of locals and visitors from all over the world. 

However the exhibits often open earlier and stay longer, weather permitting. Ice sculptures are decorated with lasers and ice lanterns. While there are ice sculptures throughout the city, there are two main exhibition areas: Enormous snow sculptures at Sun Island and the separate "Ice and Snow World" that operates each night. 

Walking around the three venues, you'll see world record-sized snow sculptures longer than two football fields, and some ice buildings, palaces, monuments, or statues about 50 meters tall that you can walk and slide around in and on. 

There are three places where travelers can see ice sculptures and lanterns and other winter activities: the Grand World of Ice and Snow for a great variety of snow activities, Sun Island Park where ice sculptures are displayed, and Zhaolin Park for ice lanterns show. 

Take a look at some photos of the festival first!

Trvael Tips:

The tickets price is as following:

Harbin Ice and Snow World Tickets:
9:00—12:00 (Adult: RMB 150; Children/student ticket: RMB 120 )
Adult: RMB 330 (New Year's Day, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival)
Adult: RMB 300 (ordinary days)
Student/children: RMB 160 
Tips: 70 or more years old and 1.2 meters children are free to visit the Ice and Snow World

Sun Island Ice and Snow World: Adult RMB 80; Children RMB 40 

Harbin Tours recommend for you! 
1 Beijing Harbin 7 Days Tour
Beijing Essence and Ice Festival 8 Days Tour
Essence of Beijing, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang and Shanghai 9 Days Tour 

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