Delingha or Delhi and Baigong Pipes
Delingha or Delhi is located in Tibetan
Autonomous Prefecture, in Qinghai Province of People's Republic of China. This
is an ardent industrial city with modern outlook and features situated 200
kilometers southeast of the Da Qaidam Administrative Region. This prefecture is
created in 1988 with 7 townships with a total of 27,700 square kilometers.
Strategically important place
Delingha is a strategically important
place for China as China has their nuclear and missile testing sites here and foreigners
do have to face strict restrictions. In
fact this is an off limit location for foreigners. It has been reported based
on the evidences collected through commercial satellites that about 60 medium
range nuclear ballistic missiles are deployed near Delingha. The place has long
been rumored about the heavy nuclear missiles and research activities which are
prompt to believe the reason for why foreigners are not allowed to visit these
Good rail net work system is available
to Delingha from various parts of Chinese cities. Some of the important cities
from where you can board train trip to Delingha are Xining, Lanzhou, Geemu,
Lhasa, Chongging and Chengdu. That shortest distance is from Geemu which is
only 309 kilometer far from Delingha and the longest station is Chongging which
is 2,203 kilometers away from Delingha.
Since this is high altitude location,
the climate will be moderate during May to September. From October to April,
mostly the temperature will fall below to minus degree hence it would be better
to plan your trip between October to April.
Tourists are advised to carry cold
protective gears and warm sleeping bags to meet climate challenges. Further, it is highly advised to carry warm
cold resistant shoes with rubber soles for easy grip when you do trekking.
Delingha is a lonely town in the middle
of a desert. When you travel between Wulan and Delingha, which is 120 kilometer
stretch, there is nothing much you can see except the plain desert. After
Delingha the next major city is Dunhuang which is 465 kilometers far away. People are extremely friendly and no wonder
if they invite you to join with them for food.
The town is very much clean indeed.
Baigong Pipes:
There are lot of mysterious rumors could
be heard about the Baigong Pipes. Some
even suggests the pipes are the relics left by some aliens. Lot of research has
been carried out find out the chemical composition of the pipes. Some of the elements are still missing to
find out is another reason to add up the mysteries. These pipes or pipes like features are found
on and near Mount Baigong, which 40 kilometer southwest of Delingha.
Tourism attraction:
The following are some of the important tourist locations
Delingha; Baishu Mountain, Gahai Lake, Baigong Mountain, Hongjun Valley,
Hanhaibailin Cypress Forest Park, Talian Lake, Hala Lake, Delingha Shang Ye Bu
Xing Jie, HaiZi ShiGe ChenLieGuan and DelingHaShi BuXingjine.
There is a good airport at Delingha
which is easing up the transportation facilities for tourist wish to take up
air routes. The Rail net work of Qinghai-Tibet is a new addition to Chinese
Rail Net work system, which can be said as the only high altitude rail net work
in the world. Also the new green road
net work across the whole territory, make transport and commutation which easier
than earlier days.
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