Black Tiger Spring in Jinan

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Heihu Spring or Black tiger spring is culturally the most important second spring out of 72 named spring in Jinan City of Shandong Province in the Peoples Republic of China.It is located along the moat of Heihu Spring Street.This is one of the most important tourist attraction centers in Jinan city and is known as artesian karst spring.The spring emerges out from a water filled limestone cave located in a steep cliff.Three stone sculptured tiger heads are created to flush out the spring through its mouth in to a square shaped pool. From the pool the water flows through the old city moat.

Legendary myth

According to the old myth, in the olden days there was a black rock in front of the cave.The rock was black in color and resembled like a tiger.The sound of the water rushed out from the rock resembled like that of a roaring tiger.The resemblance of the shape and sound is the reason to name the spring as Black Tiger Spring.The meaning of Hei Hu is Black Tiger. Reference of the rock and its layout could be seen narrated in a poem written by Yan Bizeng who lived in Ming Dynasty.The spring is situated in the old city moat very close to the southern bank of the old moat.

Crystal clear and clean water

The spring originates three meter below from the surface and has a height of 2 meters and width of 1.7 meters. The water gushed out from the spring is crystal clear and clean.Deep bottom of the spring is very cold. The opening of the cave is developed with blue stone.A big black stone covered with moss resembles the shape of a feral tiger is seen at the opening of the cave. While the water gushes out and torrent hit on the rock the sound that produced that of a roaring tiger. It would be one of the beautiful experiences, as a tourist you can experience at Heihu Spring.

The out flow of the spring is calculated as 41,000 cubic meters per day.When compared with Baotu Spring, Heihu Spring is second in water out flow.The water gushed out is stored in to stone pool of size 13 meter length and 9 meter width.From here the water flows out through the old city moat.The water gushing out through the three giant tiger heads with roaring sound could be heard very far from the pool premises.Surrounding the spring you can see the Black Tiger Temple with a small garden with lot of flowering plants and trees. The scenic location of Heihu spring is known as "Park City" and is a hot tourist destination.

Travel Tips:

From Jinan City, tourists can board buses that can take you directly to the Heihu Spring spot.The spring spot is opened 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the evening.The best time to visit the spring is during July and August.There will be heavy rain during this season and flow of spring water gushing out from the tiger head will be in its full force and the roaring sound of the tiger will be much daring.

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