Longkou – Coastal Harbor City with Lot of Activities

for pleasant weather
covers an area of eight hundred and ninety three square kilometers. The length
of coastline counts to approximately sixty eight kilometers. The city of
Longkou always possesses a typical monsoon climate that of a temperate zone. It
is having seasons which are distinguished clearly. The pleasant weather of
Longkou attracts millions of people from different parts of the world. The
number of travelers to Longkou is increasing every year by a significant
number. This place does not have severe cold winter as well as intense hot
summer. The yearly mean temperature is nearly twelve degree Celsius. The yearly
mean rainfall is five hundred and eighty three millimeters. There is an awesome
period which is totally frost free. It will last for more than one hundred and
ninety days every year.
hiking locations
is administered by Yantai prefecture level city. The population of this place
is just six hundred and twenty thousand. There are mainly five sub-districts
and eight towns under the administration of Longkou city. The sub-districts are
Longgang Subdistrict, Dongjiang Subdistrict, Donglai Subdistrict, Xufu
Subdistrict and Xinjia Subdistrict. The towns of Longkou are Lutou, Zhuyouguan,
Huangshanguan, Xiadingjia, Beima, Qijia, Langao, and Shiliang. This coastal
harbor city is very attractive. In southern side, it is almost mountainous and
tourists love hiking in this place. In northern part of the city, the flat
plains appear so lovely. It possesses several low hills in south eastern side
and also littoral plains in north western side of the city. Surrounding the
city, there are many rivers as well as mountains.
city is very popular for the production of the delicious cellophane noodles.
This city is residence to head office of new dragon Asia Corporation and
produces over 1.1 billion instant noodles packages.
Mountain Tourist Area
tourist area is situated in Lushan Mountain of Longkou City. It has so many
attractive natural landscapes and stylish grand manmade designs. Nanshan area
is the first ever AAAA tourist spot in history of China. It has a culture park
and one religious culture park. Across the globe, Nashan great Buddha is
biggest sitting Buddha made in bronze tine. It weights three hundred and eighty
tons and possesses a height of 38.66 meters. Jade Buddha is biggest ever indoor
Buddha. Both these highlights attract tourists to Longkou.
opening hours are from 7.30 am to 6 pm. One can get bus to reach Nashan
Mountain from Longkou City.
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