Changchun Film Studio – Presently Changchun Film Studio Group Corporation

Re constituted to a corporation
In the year 2000, Changchun Film Studio
converted in to a corporation and re-christened as Changchun Film Studio Group
Corporation and started producing commercials, feature films, movies,
documentaries and TV series. The company is providing direct employment for
3000 people in various sectors and helping indirect employment related to film
production and associated works.
It is a sad state of situation to note that the
studio has been losing its charm having faced stiff competition from the Hong
Kong and Hollywood production houses. The state controlled board was hardly
competent to produce the kind of script and technical capabilities to match
with the main stream production houses owned and controlled by private
enterprises. To revitalize the production and streamline the activities, the
board opened its door to the public and created an extension which is called
the Movie Palace. Here the new Chinese movies are being produced in lieu of the
documentaries and pro government policy themed operas being created by
Changchun Film Group Corporation. The Movie Palace was successful in producing
some of the finest films. Tourists can have rare opportunity to meet their
favorite film stars and will have the chance to see the various studio sets
being created for the production of films. Palaces, forts, castles and
artificial sceneries are created here, that were being used to shoot many
Chinese classics.
Summary History:
After the Second World War, the Manchukuo Film
Associated split in 1946 and the studio equipments used to create Yan'an Film
Studio and the Northeast Film Studio. During the War of Liberation, in 1949,
the studio moved to Changchun. Thought it was established in 1950, by 1955 all
its operation ceased and the Ministry of Culture recreated it as
"Changchun Film Studio".
Travel Tips:
Film stars, film sets and shooting are always
fascinating experience for anybody loves to see. Today the film city is one of
the favorite tourist destinations in China and tourists can easily reach to the
location from the Jilin city. Thanks to the improved transport net work
developed in Jilin City and Province. From the Jilin Railway Terminal it is
easy to find out bus service or tourist services to the film city. Also, it is
easy to move in taxi. The taxi rate will be about CNY 15 per cab. Entry of the film city is against gate pass,
which is CNY 70 per head. The ticket allows you to watch a complimentary show
which can be used for the Circular Theatre or any regular movie theater spread
in the complex. Changchun Film Studio cordially welcomes you!
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